Archi Disco #4 「VORTEX」
建築学生団体and_d(が主催する展覧会「Archi Disco」の第4回に参加した。学生や若手アーティストの作品展示やトークショーを通じて、第4回のテーマである「テクノロジーとクリエイション」について考察する。
The architecture student group and_d( participated in the 4th edition of "Archi Disco," an exhibition organized by and_d. Through the exhibition of works by students and young artists and a talk show, the theme of the 4th edition, "Technology and Creation," was considered.
The work "Core," which combined ambient video and sound, was exhibited to match the architectural space and lobby of the hotel "MOGANA," where the exhibition was held.
Click here for the work page